Entrepreneur mentality vs. employee mentality

When developing a business there are many considerations to take into account, and something that happens very often is that people want to become entrepreneurs but often find it difficult to leave that employee mentality or perhaps leave behind the "security" that a job offers.

Certainly, the mentality between an employee and an entrepreneur is very different, from the levels of responsibility that a business head must acquire to the roles that a subordinate must fulfill. For there to be a correct harmony and for the processes to flow as harmoniously as possible, the functions must be very clear and each one must play his role in the way that corresponds to him.

An entrepreneur must start working in order to fulfill the administrative and managerial tasks that must be carried out for the business to function. Likewise, he is seen as a team leader, a strategist who supervises that the tasks of the employees are fulfilled and that the whole organization moves forward in the short, medium or long term.

Working for someone else or working for yourself?

An employee expects to be given the instructions to accomplish tasks, only follows orders from a supervisor or someone who assumes a higher position, represents a certain comfort zone at some point, as the heavy decisions are made by others.

Being in an entrepreneurial position the idea is to manage, make the decisions and examine from your point of view what is best for the organization. Of course this is something that has advantages and disadvantages, but as long as we keep looking for a challenge or move towards something new or better, this will be a position where many will want to stay.

There are specific aspects that each figure must develop in the business:


  • If it is a catering business, it is necessary to have an employee who serves the customer, who welcomes him with a smile, who serves the product and offers it in an attractive way, and who develops his role on that side of the organization with certain values and identification with the brand.


  • When it comes to negotiations, searching for suppliers, choosing the best ones, and making decisions that may affect the business, this is a job that cannot be carried out by an employee, as these are administrative and important tasks for the organization that are the responsibility of the head of the project.

In this sense, the approach of the entrepreneur must be to understand, assume and accept that he is in this position to solve as many problems that may arise along the way and manage in such a way that this crisis does not shake the company and end up burying it, so it is certainly a great responsibility in his hands.

But the question arises, is it possible to be an entrepreneur if you don't like to solve problems?

First of all, as already mentioned, you must have the ability to handle crises, solve problems, anticipate them or be aware that they may happen and find solutions if you want to be a good entrepreneur.

It is not possible to stay in a management position without learning to make decisions, let go of what you have to let go of and solve what is within your reach and that of the organization in order to move forward. It's a lot of pressure, that's why we always look for a specific profile and people who can deal with certain situations and reach the objective set.


Ultimately you have to learn to deal with decision making, and if you are a person who is not used to or simply does not want to make so many decisions then you are not cut out or perhaps not ready to be an entrepreneur or boss.

This analysis must be done when you are in the entrepreneurial phase, that is, when everything is starting, and you must be able to analyze if you want to live with this internal process of learning to make decisions even though you may make mistakes or withdraw at that moment.

From the point where you are an entrepreneur you must evaluate and look for all the tools to become a successful entrepreneur. We can say then that an entrepreneur is the evolution of an entrepreneur, that is, you start as an entrepreneur, then you evaluate your capabilities and functions and if you later consider that you are at that stage is when you decide to become an entrepreneur.

By all this we do not mean that an entrepreneur should work alone, because it is not true and it is not healthy. At this time, even with all that the pandemic has left, the employee will take on more value, as that support for the entrepreneur and the organization to stay afloat.

To be successful and flow in the best possible way we must understand, both as employees and as entrepreneurs, that we cannot learn without making mistakes, but we must step back a little and analyze where we went wrong, see why there was a bad response and in this way learn.

Losing the fear of making mistakes

With this mentality we have advanced for many years and it comes from many years ago, from the education we have had as children where we are penalized for making mistakes. It is natural that as adults we have that fear of making mistakes and being exposed for it, but that is where we enter a process of maturity, willing to prepare ourselves, to learn, to be vulnerable and aware that mistakes are valid and we can learn from them, as trite as it may sound, because they can be the answer or the way to get to something better.

With the whole issue of losing the fear is also the mentality of leaving comfort behind and that directly influences the type of business you are going to develop whether it is a franchise or your own venture. Certainly, choosing a franchise as your "own business" gives power to others because of that fear we tend to have about making decisions or dealing with something going wrong.

The mentality of the entrepreneur, businessman or employee plays a determining role in the success or failure of the business, because there is no business that moves by itself and it is not only about investing at the beginning, if you do not assume responsibilities and make decisions your project will be destined to fail.

Finally, everything revolves around the right mentality that a person must have when operating a business, i.e., it is not only about being an entrepreneur and having a budget to invest, but to manage from a strategic point of view, to manage and be willing and open to make mistakes and to be corrected, in order to do better and better with a vision and focus on the long-term objective.

Let us remember then that a company is not something that is built from one day to the next, on the contrary, it is a project that is forged every day and there is no manual to make it perfect from the beginning, because even the largest companies make mistakes every day. We should not regret our decisions because they are based on the information of that moment and we must be strong and mature enough to understand that whether they are bad or good, they gave us a learning experience, they formed our character and they contributed something positive to the whole process of life in general.

If you are interested, we invite you to watch the podcast where we developed this topic:

We invite you to listen to our podcast on this topic and many more You can find the link on our Instagram: @cohenyaguirre

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